Headmaster's Welcome
Welcome to Dumpton
People often remark that there is something special about Dumpton.
We are well known for our beautiful rural site and the fantastic facilities our pupils enjoy. These include a recently completed state-of-the-art sports hall, a stunning performing arts centre, woodland trails, dipping ponds, our very own campsite, an indoor heated pool, an orchard and award-winning allotments tended by the pupils, a climbing wall, adventure playgrounds, a full size AstroTurf and much much more. It is a wonderful place for a child to be.
However, brilliant human beings - not just brilliant facilities - are at the heart of any successful school. The staff at Dumpton are an exceptional bunch - utterly dedicated, positive and caring in all that they do. They are more than just teachers to the children; they are role models too.
The staff create the special feeling at Dumpton, a nurturing yet aspirational atmosphere built upon two clear and simple values which guide all that we do: ‘Be Kind’, and ‘Aim High’.
Be Kind
"The sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit." Anne Frank
Kindness could not be more important to us at Dumpton. Our main school rule is 'treat others as you would like to be treated', and we aim for friendliness and empathy to permeate every classroom and corridor of the school. The atmosphere is nurturing and inclusive, and pupils, staff and parents share strong relationships as a result. Dumpton is more than just a school: it is a home away from home.
At a deeper level, our focus on kindness and empathy aims to build pupils' emotional intelligence - their ability to understand themselves and those around them. Nobody quite knows what the world of tomorrow will look like for our children, but at Dumpton we strongly believe that empathy, kindness, and emotional intelligence will lie at the heart of a happy and successful future.
Aim High
"There is more in us than we know. If we could be made to see it; perhaps, for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less."
Kurt Hahn
Our quiet sense of aspiration and ambition is illustrated by our school motto: 'you can because you think you can'. Inspiring self-belief is key. Inside the classroom, this means a commitment to small class sizes, high-quality teaching, and academic success for all. It means helping every child realise that with hard work, practice, determination and resilience, anything is possible. Outside the classroom, this means a broad range of experiences that not only provide huge enjoyment but, crucially, help children further develop their character: an outstanding sports’ programme, a broad range of performing arts opportunities, outdoor learning through our forest school and the famous Dumpton allotments, a diverse range of clubs and co-curricular activities, and some pretty adventurous and exciting residential trips.
It is of course the outcomes that matter most. Our children are our greatest advert - friendly, personable, energetic, determined, and smiling in all that they do. Our track record of ensuring successful transfer to the finest Senior Schools - and over 100 scholarships in the last four years alone - suggests we are getting something right too.
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. Nothing will help you make your mind up better than coming to visit the school to see our wonderful facilities, meet our superb pupils and staff, and, most importantly, experience for yourself the sense of community and aspiration that makes Dumpton such a special place.
We can promise you the warmest of welcomes.
Best wishes

Christian Saenger
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