As well as being nurtured, our children are challenged and stretched- whether it is Year 2 being knighted, Year 1 Astronaut training, Reception running their own Pet Show or Nursery exploring the woods, we want them to experience a life less ordinary in our safe and friendly environment. Regular performances on the stage are part and parcel of Dumpton life, as are muddy wellington boots. It is only by helping young children step out of their comfort zones that we can help them realise what they are capable of. By the end of Year 2, they are ready for all the excitement of the Prep School and world beyond.

‘Come to the edge, he said.
We are afraid, they said.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came to the edge.
He pushed them and they flew.’
Guillaume Apollinaire
...and greatly enjoy the stimulating variety of learning opportunities.
ISI Report