Dear Parents
It has been a pleasure to welcome your children back to school this week – they have returned terrifically! A particularly warm welcome to all our new starters across the Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep School.
A new year often brings New Year’s Resolutions – but as I explained to the children in assembly on Tuesday, as much as I would recommend setting goals for ourselves, the majority of New Year’s Resolutions, sadly, don’t result in lasting change... (for any parents terrible, like me, at actually sticking to their plans, I can recommend Atomic Habits by James Clear, or Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s Make Change that Lasts for some help!).
To offer an alternative, I suggested the idea of using a ‘mantra’. For centuries humans have used mantras or slogans to provide a shared mission, inspiration and a sense of belonging – from tribal cultures or world religions, to more recently in some of the greatest sports teams and businesses in the world. We only need to look at organisations like Nike (“Just Do It”), Apple (“Think Differently”) or Sport England (“This Girl Can”) to see the impact and success those simple, memorable and meaningful phrases have provided.
Parents will know we have been using ‘Be Kind, Aim High’ – our two school values – as somewhat of a mantra for many years now. As a values-led school, those four words have become so important in forming the positive culture that’s so crucial for children’s success, and the daily work of our brilliant staff team at the school is rooted in ensuring that we live and breathe those values in all that we do. What gives me the greatest pleasure is hearing children (and indeed parents!) using this mantra themselves – a real sign that our values are well and truly part of the fabric of Dumpton life.
So, whatever New Year’s Resolutions we may or may not have made, here’s to a great 2025 – l hope it is full of kindness and empathy, but also aspiration and growth, for us all.
Senior Cricket Nets
It was brilliant to see 30 boys and girls attending Senior Cricket nets in our Sports Hall yesterday evening. With all four cricket nets in use, we are so lucky to have such a fantastic facility, as well as the support of coaches and expertise from Bryanston and Canford across the term.
Y7 and Y8 Exams
The Sports Hall will be full of desks next week as our Y7 and Y8 pupils sit a set of exams. It's the perfect chance to get them acquainted with the revision process and exam hall environment ahead of far more important exams in their future, and we hope all the pupils approach next week in the right spirit – trying your best is all that we ask of you!
Senior Schools Interviews and Assessment Process
Alongside this, we have a busy term for Senior School transfer, with pupils visiting schools such as Canford, Bryanston, Clayesmore, Talbot Heath and BCS for entrance assessment days or scholarship process. As ever, we will be helping children get ready to shine on their day, and I am already looking forward to being involved in practice interviews from next week!
Townsend-Warner History Prize – From Mr Tridgell
Every academic year, prep schools nationally have the opportunity to participate in the Townsend-Warner History Prize. This year, I was delighted that 15 Dumpton pupils took on the challenge of Paper 1 - testing their wide-ranging historical knowledge to answer some very difficult questions. This year was the first time that the competition was opened up to all Senior year groups (Y6-8) and I am extremely proud of all the participants. They went out of their comfort zone, and used their own time to prepare for this competition - what fantastic role-models they are. We will now wait to see if anyone progresses to the next stage of the competition, but in my eyes they are all winners. A huge well done to Ivory, Izzy N, Lauren, Josh, Bear, Annabel, Daisy, Flynn, Alexander, Dani, Arthur, Sebby S, Oliver, Raffi and Alfie W.
Dumpton Talks – Dr Louise Edgington: Managing Eco Emotions
Dumpton is proud to develop our pupils’ Global Citizenship, and we are always so inspired by how motivated and enthusiastic the children are when it comes to taking care of the planet. However, often very negative headlines in the news, and amplification on social media, has seen some children at risk of developing unhealthy worries and anxieties about climate change, something it is really important to protect our children from as well.
How can we successfully navigate this journey, and support our children in having a healthy, positive attitude to any climate concerns? Dr Louise Edgington is a climate specialist Educational Psychologist from Imperial University and ex-science teacher who supports teachers, pupils and parents with managing climate and environmental understanding. As well as doing a workshop with some of our older pupils on Friday, we are delighted that Louise will be talking to any interested parents on this topic from 8.30am in the Recital Hall.
Welcome – Miss Holly Clark and Mrs Jess Ferrand
We're delighted to welcome Holly, our new School Secretary and also Jess Ferrand who will lead our Netball Coaching this term. I am sure you will all get the chance to meet them soon.
From Dumpton Friends
It was lovely to see everyone at the welcome back coffee morning today. We have lots of exciting events to look forward to this term. Our events calendar will be out next week so you can start saving the dates.
DF Committee Meeting - On Tuesday 14th January we have our first Committee Meeting of the year. Join us for a coffee in the Dining Hall after drop off. We will be talking about all the up and coming events.
Thank you coffee morning - On Thursday 16th December Mr Saenger is hosting a thank you coffee morning in his Study after drop off. If you helped with the Christmas Fayre then it would be really lovely to see you there.
Christmas Nativity costumes and Christmas jumpers - If you are having a post Christmas sort out and have any Christmas jumpers or nativity costumes that you can't pass on to siblings please donate them to DF. Once we have a good number of them we will organise a second hand sale later in the year.
With best wishes for the weekend.

Christian Saenger
Key Events W/B 13.01.2025
Week 2: Theme of the Week – British Values
Monday 13 January
All Day Mock Exams Week: Y7, Y8 & Scholars
Tuesday 14 January
All Day Mock Exams Week: Y7, Y8 & Scholars
14.15 – 16.15 Sports Fixtures (Y3-4) – please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details
Wednesday 15 January
All Day Mock Exams Week: Y7, Y8 & Scholars
9.30 – 10.30 Dental talk to Dandelions & Reception
14.15 – 16.15 Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) – please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details
Thursday 16 January
All Day Mock Exams Week: Y7, Y8 & Scholars
8.15 – 9.00 Dumpton Friends – Christmas Fayre Thank You Coffee with the Headmaster
11.00 – 14.30 Dorset Schools Cross Country Championships – please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details
Friday 17 January
All Day Mock Exams Week: Y7, Y8 & Scholars
8.30 – 9.15 Dumpton Talks – Dr Louise Edgington, Clinical Psychologist ‘Eco Anxiety’