It’s rather incredible that little old Dumpton is celebrating its 120th year this year. From a tiny boys’ boarding school on the Kent coast, it's been quite a journey to become the thriving coeducational day school that it is today. We’re proud of our history and the rich tradition of the school; at the same time, our vision for the future remains as ambitious and forward-looking as ever. Through our #BeKind #AimHigh culture, outstanding classroom teaching, and innovative approach to character education ‘The Dumpton Way’, we aim to help every child fulfil their academic and personal potential: to get the very best set of grades they can... but also to become the very best person that they can be.
In the spirit of continuing to ensure parents can feel part of the school’s journey, I have also started an Instagram account - @Dumptonhead – my chance to give parents an even stronger sense of school life and the day to day exploits and experiences of the children. Do give me a follow, and if you don’t already follow us through our school accounts on Facebook or Instagram, I would highly recommend doing so... there’s always lovely stories and plenty of joy about Dumpton life to share; it’s about as healthy and feel good as social media gets!
We have released a short video on Instagram to mark our 120th year with more celebrations to follow in the next two terms: Click here. Thanks as ever, to all of you as parents, for all your support – I hope the future of Dumpton is as rich and successful as its past.
Anti-Bullying Week – From Mrs Shaw, Senior Deputy Head
We have been talking all week about 'making a noise' about bullying, coming forward when you see something you think is unkind, and being brave to support your friends. The whole community wore odd socks on Tuesday - a sign that it is ok to be different - and the children have talked in assemblies, form time and PSHE about differences between people and how important it is to respect them.
As it says in our anti-bullying policy, at Dumpton School, we believe that everyone has the right to feel safe, secure, and respected within a caring environment regardless of individual characteristics such as gender, sexuality, race, disability or social circumstance. We believe that it is everyone's responsibility to play an active part in the prevention of bullying and essential that everyone recognises that it will not be tolerated. We are so proud of the children's engagement with this learning and feel hopeful that we can all make better decisions as a consequence.
U13A Football – National Finals
Sporting success has been a bedrock of Dumpton for decades, and it’s so fantastic to see continued success on this front. Our amazing U13A boys football team, having already qualified at the Regional Competition in Sussex, travelled to Oxford for the IAPS National Finals. After topping their group, they sadly lost 2-1 in the Quarter-Final despite dominating the match. This talented, hardworking group exemplify what Dumpton sport is all about. Top 8 in the country boys – we're very proud.
Cricketing Success
We also celebrated some significant success from our cricketers this week. Sebby S, Jack F-D, Ewan B, Thomas R, Jacob W and Finn B have all been selected to play for Dorset over their winter cricket programme. Felix S-V has progressed to the Hampshire set-up, as well as Abby W in Year 7 who after trials with over 150 girls present, has made it into the Hampshire Girls U12 squad and will be training at the Ageas bowl over the winter. Finally, congratulations to Martha A-I who was awarded Dorset Girls Cricketer of the Year this year. The future of cricket at Dumpton is very bright indeed.
Willow Weaving in Outdoor Learning
Children throughout the school have been exploring the use of willow in their outdoor learning lessons. Cutting and stripping the willow each year, and then using it to weave wreaths, fences and artwork is a superb example to the children of how to use sustainable materials. My thanks to Mr Cox for continuing to inspire the children outdoors and help them embrace the environment.
Y8 Exams
Congratulations to all of Year 8. They handled their exams this week superbly. We hope they all get the results they were hoping for, and whatever happens, they will be able to springboard onto more success later in the year.
Global Citizenship – From Mrs Cox
Our Global Citizenship Ambassadors will be dusting off their baking skills next week to provide some FairTrade Treats on Thursday break time. They are raising money to invest in some super carbon dioxide consuming plants to populate the many windowsills here at school, reducing our carbon footprint and boosting our wellbeing. Please do support them by sending your child in with a little spending money on Thursday. They would also like me to remind you to please turn off your engines when waiting at pick up. They know it's cold but their message is 'wear an extra layer please!' With many thanks, as always for your support.
Dumpton Friends Events
Thanks to the Dumpton Friends who are busy organising so many events for the community at the moment. The Cookie Sale for the Israel and Gaza crisis yesterday was a real success, and the Y6 to Y8 Disco tonight promises plenty of fun for all. The Committee are also working really hard on all their Christmas events, including what promises to be a very special Christmas Fayre. It’s also not too late to book a spot at the Christmas Party on Friday 8 December – having been last year, I can promise it’s a really fantastic evening. All details are on Classlist.
Class Drop-ins
Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 have another opportunity for parents to drop in and spend some time in the classroom with their child this coming week, please see the calendar for more information.
With best wishes

Key Events Week Beginning 20/11/2023:
Week 11: Theme of the Week - Learning from our mistakes
Monday 20 November
Flu Vaccinations - Reception to Y8: New Meeting Room
Tuesday 21 November
8.15: Y3 Parent Drop In
8.30: Prep School Assembly for all years 3-8 (World Toilet Day - MC & Y5)
14.15: Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details
15.10: Wimborne Parish School Council Meeting (selected pupils)
Wednesday 22 November
14.15: Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details
Thursday 23 November
8.15: Y5 Parent Drop In
8.30: Prep School Assembly - Performing Arts & Sports Reports
Friday 24 November
8.15: Y4 Parent Drop In
8.30: School Council - Pupil Voice
14.00: Team Photographs - Fraser Portraits