Dear Parents
What a magnificent term. I have lost count, over the course of this term, of the times that I have been overwhelmed with pride at what our pupils have achieved. Our youngest pupils in their various Christmas shows, singing their hearts out so confidently and so happily on the stage from such a young age; our Y8 pupils spearheading their own fashion show and second hand clothes sale to stand up against fast fashion; courage, resilience and collaboration in spades as I watched girls and boys play with such spirit in their various football, rugby and hockey matches on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons; the brilliantly determined and poised ballet performances from Dumpton’s first ever ballet group with the wonderful Miss Sophie; the inclusive musical performances during the Christmas Fayre where every single pupil at Dumpton performed; the 100% success rate for the Canford Pre-Test this year; the reports of our Reception children singing so merrily to provide Christmas cheer to the residents of Streets Meadow Care home... I could go on and on!
But for every one of these more visible moments, there have been dozens less prominent but equally important achievements: the hard work and progress in the classroom from so many children; those moments of resilience and determination when learning has been tricky or challenging; the times when a child has felt nervous or anxious but stepped out of their comfort zone; those innumerable little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness that so often go unnoticed, but make such a positive difference to the happiness of our school community. The children really have fully lived our ‘Be Kind and Aim High’ values in all that they have done, and the school has felt particularly special this term as a result.
But as we head off to the Christmas holidays, as well as feeling huge pride about our children’s achievements, I think we should all take a moment to feel proud about the part we have played too. Children do all have extraordinary potential within them, but they can only discover it with the support, the patience, the care, the encouragement and, most importantly, the love of the adults around them. So, to all the parents, carers, teachers, teaching assistants, matrons, support staff, minibus drivers – a heartfelt and sincere thank you for all that you do.
Carol Service – Tuesday 17th December
Please refer to Mrs Shaw’s e-mail dated 6th December about the Carol Service – having been involved in some rehearsals this week, I can assure you this promises to be a wonderful occasion. I would encourage you all to carefully check the arrangements as they are very different for the whole school. Please may I highlight once again that there will be no afternoon minibuses that afternoon.
Y8 Fashion Show and Clothes Sale
A particular thank you and special mention to all of our brilliant Y8s, who again have demonstrated their leadership credentials by organising their own second-hand clothes sale and fashion show in support of saying no to fast fashion, supporting both the planet, and the rights of workers.
Y3 Performance of a Christmas Carol
There was very little ‘bah-humbugging’ from the audience after this terrific show. Such confident singing, acting and dancing from all of the boys and girls, and we so enjoyed the humour too. What a talented bunch, but also thank you to our talented performing arts team again, including Mrs Warde who both adapted the script and directed with such skill.
Thank you Pre-Prep Parents from Mrs Morton & The Pre-Prep Team
A huge thank you for your generous donations to our Reverse Advent Calendar. It is heartening to know that at this difficult time when the demand for emergency food support is increasing, that we have supported the local community and many families at Christmas. Thank you everyone!
Dumpton Friends Thank You and Coffee Morning
As I communicated last week, we are so very grateful to all the parents who played their part in the Christmas Fayre. What a brilliant team effort. We are holding an informal coffee morning in my study early next term (Thursday 16th January) to thank those of you who gave up your time to organise and run the event – just a small but important chance to say a proper thank you! I do hope to see lots of you there.
Autumn Reports
These will be published on the Parent Portal early next week – do look out for an email from Mr Morgan. We hope you will enjoy reading comments from your children’s teachers across the curriculum, as well as an update on their progress.
Sports Clubs - Netball Stars and JJ Swimming
A reminder of two additional opportunities run by Dumpton games staff here at school next term. Firstly, Mrs Hopkins and her sons successfully launched JJ Swimming this term on Saturday mornings to great success in the school pool – there are a few spaces still for next term for anyone keen. Secondly, new Netball Coach Jess Ferrand is running Netball Stars on Monday evenings. Two fabulous opportunities to enhance all the sporting experiences children get here at Dumpton during the week – both flyers are attached.
With best wishes for the weekend.

Christian Saenger
Key events W/B 16.12.2024
Week 14: Theme of the Week - Christmas
Monday 16 December
All Day Christmas Jumper Day - Jumpers worn over uniform
11:00 - 14:00 Christmas Lunch
15:30 Final Pre-Prep Hobbies and After School Club of the term
16:15 - 17:45 Stay Late available for Prep School pupils
Tuesday 17 December
09:00 - 11:00 EYFS Christmas Party (Jamie Jigsaw followed by a Special Visitor!)
14:30 - 15:30 Carol Service, Wimborne Minster - all children invited. Children to be collected from the Minster at the end of the Service.
16:15 No Afternoon Buses