Dear Parents
Exam week: rows of desks...transparent pencil cases... sitting in alphabetical order... “When I say, you may begin”. A rustle of paper, some sighs, then silence, apart from the scratch of pens, the pacing of the invigilator, and the clock on the wall, ominously ticking...
For many of us adults, that’s enough to send shivers down our spines! However, putting any personal experiences aside, examinations remain a key component of our current education system – and navigating them successfully (and with the minimum of stress!) is likely to remain a vital skill for our children.
We hope our approach to exams in Year 7 and Year 8 at Dumpton acts as a gentle introduction to the children, ahead of more important examinations in their futures. We certainly don’t want children feeling unnecessary anxiety or pressure – but at the same time, having a chance to sit exams in a more formal environment is an important experience with so many opportunities for the children to learn, from revision strategies, to time management, to perhaps the most important of all.... make sure you read the question carefully!
We have been so impressed by both Year 7 and Year 8 this week, and look forward to sharing results with them, and their parents, in the coming days. However, as we say to the children, the results of these exams don’t actually matter; what matters most is what you learnt from the process.
This message actually applies to any child at Dumpton any stage. Praising children about a beautiful piece of art or music, the result of a spelling test, or winning a match is important. But what’s more important is praising the effort applied, the determination and commitment involved, and the lessons learned – no matter the final outcome. Research into child development suggests we must always try to praise effort, not just achievement. If we do so, failures and setbacks might be seen opportunity to grow, rather than give up. This is key to developing that powerful growth mindset that sits at the heart of the Dumpton ethos: a child who truly believes that ‘I can because I think I can...”
Break Time Fun: Wellie Wednesday and Forest Friday – From Miss Goodhew
Our new breaktime initiatives Wellie Wednesday and Forest Friday have been a great success for Years 3 and 4. In fact Bea informed us that Wellie Wednesday was; 'The best day ever!' Such enthusiasm bodes well for the rest of the year. On Wednesday lunchtime Year 3 and 4 spent their lunch time helping Miss G, Miss Edwards and Mr Yorke clear the allotments in readiness for new planting this Spring. The children were very excited to find carrots hidden away in some of the beds and were very pleased to be taking them home. They worked collaboratively and have made a huge difference already to the allotments. Thank you all for your hard work. Forest Friday has begun in earnest and the children spent an enjoyable breaktime in the adventure playground. As the weather improves this will move to explore our own woodland.
Visiting Speaker – Dr Louise Edgington
Y7 and Y8 had a thought-provoking workshop with Dr Louise Edgington today about managing eco-emotions and taking positive steps to tackle the climate and nature crisis. Louise was so impressed by the children, both their behaviour and wonderful manners, but also the amazing positivity and enthusiasm they show when it comes to taking care of their planet. Thank you also to all the parents who came to the Dumpton Talk at drop-off – it was a fascinating discussion.
Dumpton Talks Week – February 24th to 28th
We’re very excited to announce that Dumpton Talks Week is back this year, and it’s going to be even bigger and better. With a series of expert speakers on parenting and education, we’re opening up to both Dumpton parents and the wider community this year as we’re determined to continue to promote the importance of schools and parents working closely together to bring up our children in an increasingly challenging world. Topics will include gentle parenting with boundaries, navigating smartphones and social media, and managing anxiety in young people. Look out for the posters next week!
Outdoor Learning
The allotments have been a hive of activity this week, with Outdoor Learning lessons led by Mr Harris involving plenty of collaboration and enthusiasm. From weeding the beds, to sweeping up leaves, and composting, it was brilliant to see the children so busy and fulfilled. They even constructed their own glove racks using recycled materials for our brand-new gardening gloves, to join the wellie racks in the sheds.
Sports Fixtures
It was wonderful to see our first fixtures of the term take place – some wonderful action on the netball courts which were jam packed and buzzing with enthusiasm from our senior girls. Our boys made a strong and positive start to their hockey season too.
Cross Country County Championships – From Mr Loe
It was a perfect day for cross country running and we had our customary large squad with us, full of enthusiasm and slight trepidation once they realised just how big an event it was! Each of the races had well over 120 runners with the Year 8 races closer to 200. Everyone deserves credit and a medal for even turning up to compete in this sport, in this kind of rarefied atmosphere. We were so proud of them all!
Outstanding results were Zac L finishing 23rd in the Year 5/6 boysrace, Eva W and Zara H finishing 24th and 25th respectively in their race and Izzy N coming over the line in 48th place in the highly competitive Year 8 and 9 girls race. This after sitting exams all morning!
Team effort of the day must go to the Year 7 girls. Amelia C was 26th, Annabel B was 28th and the result of the day was Lola G finishing 8th overall to qualify for the Dorset team and receive an invitation to run at the South West Schools Championship next month! Well done Lola!
Senior Choir – Canford School Spring Concert – From Ms Oakes
Our Senior choir is thrilled to have been invited to join forces with Canford School for their Spring Concert in Christchurch Priory, singing Handel's iconic 'Messiah'! The Senior choir have already started learning this exciting and challenging music, preparing to join with the Canford choirs, accompanied by a professional orchestra on 4th March at 7pm. Tickets available from Friday 24th January via
Careers Assembly Next Week
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to join my Careers assembly on Monday. I am grateful to Dumpton parents Ben J, Emma W and Elizabeth H who will are happy to answer questions about Medicine, Veterinary Science, Entrepreneurship and the Not-for-Profit sector – I am sure it will be inspiring for the children.
From Dumpton Friends
Our school discos are back by popular demand for Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Years 3,4 and 5. Get your tickets for the discos on 31st January on Classlist now.
Christmas Nativity costumes and Christmas Jumpers
If you are having a post-Christmas sort out and have any Christmas jumpers or nativity costumes that you can't pass on to siblings, please donate them to DF. Once we have a good number of them, we will organise a second-hand sale later in the year. We would be grateful if you could return any costumes that were borrowed at the end of last term please.
With best wishes

Christian Saenger
Key Events W/B 20.01.2025
Week 3: Theme of the Week – Careers
Monday 20 January 2025
Tuesday 21 January 2025
14.15 – 16.15 Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) – please see Dumpton Sports site for full details
Wednesday 22 January 2025
14.15 – 16.15 Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) – please see Dumpton Sports site for full details
Thursday 23 January 2025
14.00 Ken Bailey Cross Country at Bryanston – see Dumpton Sports site for full details
Friday 24 January 2025
All Day Y2 Australia Day