Dear Parents
‘Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much’
As I write this morning the school is a hubbub of Christmassy activity – there's a genuine sense of anticipation in the air about the Christmas Fayre this afternoon which looks like it will be an incredibly special community occasion.
The sense of community at Dumpton is so important. I know it means so much to you as parents to feel that Dumpton is not simply a place that educates your child, but also a community that you and your family become a part of. To see the number of parents buzzing around school today giving up their time to support the Christmas Fayre is wonderful, and I genuinely hope the end result gives you as much pleasure as it undoubtedly will the children.
I’d like to make special mention to Kate Boxer-Missen for coordinating today so expertly and with such dedication, to all the other Dumpton Friends team for their energy and positivity, to all the parent volunteers who have got stuck into the organisation, to Mrs Shaw for giving up her time to work closely with the Dumpton Friends, to Ms Oakes for preparing performances from the whole school, and to all the other Dumpton staff who have ‘mucked in’ to help. It has been a real team effort!
‘Collaboration’ is one of the seven virtues of ‘The Dumpton Way’. One of the most effective ways to teach character to children is through modelling it to them as adults. For all the other marvellous things about the Christmas Fayre, I can think of no better example to our pupils of the power of collaboration than how brilliantly parents have come together to make today happen. Thank you for being such brilliant role models to your children!
School Governors – Thank you to Mr Ben Davies
We are so grateful to the fantastic Dumpton Governing Board who give up so much of their time, energy and expertise to support the school. Particularly focusing on the school’s strategic direction, the Governors are a constant source of advice, as well as working alongside the leadership team and I to successfully implement our exciting vision for Dumpton.
On Monday, after drinks with the Dumpton staff and then the Full Board meeting, we said goodbye to Mr Ben Davies who has been an active member of the Governing Board for over two decades. Ben was a pupil at Dumpton, then a parent, and since joining the Board has brought incredible energy, unstinting support, and plenty of financial acumen and business nous. Ben was Chair of Governors for many years and has had an enormous impact on Dumpton in his time here. I know he is enormously proud of the school. With such dedicated Governors like Ben, it is no coincidence that Dumpton sits in such a strong position as an organisation today, both in terms of our sound financial footing, and the educational excellence that we are renowned for.
Announcement - Pre-Prep and Nursery Music Teachers
I am delighted to announce the appointments of both Mrs Liz Radford and Mrs Jilly Wilcock to the Dumpton Performing Arts faculty. Replacing Mrs Sarah Bolter who has led Pre-Prep music so expertly for many years, Mrs Radford will now teach curriculum music lessons to children in the Pre-Prep each week. Mrs Radford has had a successful career as a composer and songwriter, as well as more recently designing and leading the delivery of the Music curriculum for Wimborne Academy Trust. She brings an outstanding passion and knowledge of how best to enthuse young children with the joy of music. Mrs Wilcock will teach Nursery music sessions and take over the running of the Skylarks Choir – as our current singing teacher, Mrs Wilcock will be a familiar face, and I think any of her current pupils will testify to what a brilliant and inspirational appointment this is for the Nursery and Pre-Prep children. Under the leadership of Ms Oakes, I feel these two exciting appointments will help ensure the Performing Arts at Dumpton will continue to go from strength to strength.
More Sporting Success!
Congratulations to our U11A Girls Hockey Team who qualified for the Regionals on Monday, after going undefeated at the tournament hosted by Castle Court. In addition, our U8, U9 and U11 Boys Rugby teams competed superbly at the tournaments at Embley and Stroud respectively. We also had plenty of football and rugby in a competitive block fixture against Port Regis – our superb match reports attached as usual!
DECA Talk– Mr Tony Pulis
The children were treated to an inspirational and life affirming talk from legendary football manager Tony Pulis on Thursday evening in DECA. Tony talked about his career managing at the highest level in football and working with some of the best players in the world. He also talked to the children about the importance of following your dreams, working hard in all you do and being a good person. Very inspiring indeed!
Reverse Advent Calendar – From Mrs Morton
On behalf of the Pre-Prep and Nursery team I would like to say a huge thank you for your support with the Reverse Advent Calendar food collection for Wimborne Food Bank. You helped us raise a fantastic collection of food and items, which will support lots of families in the local community over the festive period. Thank you for all your generous donations.
Salvation Army Toy Collection
A huge thank you to Dumpton Friends and Catherine Oliver who organised the collection for the Salvation Army Toy Appeal. The generosity of the Dumpton Community has been amazing and we were able to donate 326 gifts! These presents will be distributed by the Salvation Army to children in the local community who would otherwise not have received Christmas presents this year.
Wreath Making – Dumpton Friends
Dumpton Friends will be running two Wreath Workshops on Tuesday 5th December at The Old Thatch Pub. One is at 12.30pm and the second is at 7.30pm. The price includes all materials to make your wreath with expert guidance throughout, as well as a hot drink and mince pies. For more information and to purchase tickets please see Classslist.
Warm Clothing - from Matrons
Now that the winter weather has arrived, please may we remind you about suitable clothing for the pupils. Pre-Prep pupils should all have a suitable coat plus hat, scarf and gloves for playing out in the Adventure Playground. Prep pupils should please remember to bring a warm coat.
VERY IMPORTANT - Matrons are unable to sustain the level of borrowing which is taking place this term. Pupils must please be sure that they have all sports kit in school every day, including their swimming kit. We are finding that many pupils do not have swimwear, a towel, sport hoodies and tracksuit bottoms with them in school. We have a limited supply to loan out in an emergency and we are currently having to turn pupils away. Thank you very much for your co-operation with this.
The Last Two Weeks of Term
The last two weeks of term are, as usual, full to the brim with Christmas excitement! We will do our best to keep you informed about events through communications, without overwhelming you of course, but I would suggest you have a good scan through the calendar below and check your emails for details about the various Christmas performances next week. On Monday we will be writing to all parents with confirmation about plans for the Carol Service at Wimborne Minster on the last day of term – do look out for this important piece of communication too.
Yours sincerely

Christian Saenger
Key Events Week Beginning 04/12/2023:
Week 13: Theme of the Week - The Dumpton Way: Empathy
Monday 4 December
9.00: Nursery Christmas Play - refreshments served from 8.30am (Dining Hall)
16.30: Y8 Parents' Evening
Tuesday 5 December
8.15: Coffee with the Headmaster (thank you following Christmas Fayre)
9.30: Dumpton Friends - Wreath Making – See Classlist for details
14.15: Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details
19.30: Dumpton Friends - Wreath Making – See Classlist for details
Wednesday 6 December
14.15: Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details
Thursday 7 December
8.30: Prep School Assembly - Performing Arts & Sports Reports
9.00: Reception Christmas Play (First Performance) - refreshments served from 8.30am (Dining Hall)
14.30: Y1 & Y2 Christmas Play followed by festive refreshments in the Dining Hall
16.15: Final DECA session of the term
Friday 8 December
9.00: Reception Christmas Play (Second Performance) - refreshments served from 8.30am
11.15: Y8 Trip to West Quay, Southampton
16.15: Last Hobbies Session and Early Morning Tennis of the term
19.00: Dumpton Friends - Christmas Party – See Classlist for details
Key Events Week Beginning 11/12/2023:
Week 14: Theme of the Week - Christmas Week
Monday 11 December
Reception Visit Streets Meadow
9.05: Y7 Independent Project Presentations
Tuesday 12 December
10.00: Y2 Outing to the Pantomime (Aladdin) at the Lighthouse, Poole
15.00: Y3 Christmas Play: Assembly Hall followed by festive refreshments served in the Dining Hall
15.30: Final Pre-Prep Hobbies of the Term
Thursday 14 December
Christmas Jumper Day
11.00: Christmas Lunch
14.30: Prep School Form Parties
16.15: No prep or DECA but Stay Late available as normal until 5.45pm
Friday 15 December
9.00: EYFS Christmas Party - Jamie Jigsaw
14.30: Carol Service: Wimborne Minster: All parents invited. Children to be collected from the Minster at the end of the Service
No Afternoon Buses